Friday, 19 August 2016

What are the advantages of oral tradition?

What are the advantages of oral tradition?
    Oral tradition benefits transmission of cultural values and first-hand historical events in a way that makes listeners more active participants in receiving information. This helps people retain what they learn and generates individuals who are capable of continuing these oral traditions.
   Using oral tradition as a means of passing along stories and histories keeps the human element intact within the events that occurred. It grants a first-person perspective or a collective look at the conditions of a people during a specific period and relates details that create emotional responses among listeners.
  Implementing oral tradition is part of many cultural experiences and dates back to points in the past when these groups had no written language or the tools to create documents that stand the test of time. Oral tradition remains a part of cultural awareness and is of great historical value in parts of the world where this continues to be the case so that the past remains alive in the minds of present and future people.

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